مجمع الدكتور إياد الشكرجي الطبي


    مركز المدينة الطبي

    رعاية متخصصة من الطراز الأول، على بعد نقرة واحدة.

    عرض المزيد
    رعاية موثوقة في كل خطوة
    عرض المزيد
    من الحمل إلى العافية
    عرض المزيد
    الرعاية الأساسية لجميع الأعمار
    عرض المزيد
    رعاية شاملة للبشرة
    عرض المزيد
    رعاية لطيفة للأسنان
    عرض المزيد
    الثقة من خلال تقنيات الليزر
    عرض المزيد
    أسس صحية للأطفال
    عرض المزيد
    تقنيات قديمة لصحة عصرية

    ابحث عن المختص الذي يناسبك

    استشاري الجراحة العامة
    الدكتور مهند الدياب
    استشاري الجراحة العامة
    الدكتور إياد الشكرجي
    أخصائي الطب التكميلي
    الدكتور رمضاني أمين
    استشاري تقويم وتجميل الأسنان
    الدكتور سيرج أشقر
    طبيب عام
    الدكتورة شيماء خليل ريحان
    طبيب أسنان عام
    الدكتورة أشفيني استاد
    استشاري أمراض النساء والتوليد
    الدكتورة سميحة الجهماني
    أخصائي الأمراض الجلدية والتناسلية
    الدكتورة نهى أنور محمد
    أخصائي علاجات لبية (عصب)
    الدكتورة ريما أحمد الزمار
    أخصائي علاجات لبية (عصب)
    الدكتور غيث الأبرش
    أخصائي أمراض اللثة
    الدكتور أحمد مجدي
    طبيب أسنان الأطفال
    الدكتور هاشم إبراهيم
    أخصائي تعويضات الأسنان
    الدكتور أسامة الخطيب

    بعض الحقائق عنّا


    سنوات الخبرة


    عدد العملاء سنويًا


    عدد الحالات الناجحة


    عدد العمليات الجراحية

    آراء عملائنا الموثوقين

    Rona Sophia
    10 يون, 2021

    The best medical center in Doha Qatar. Has been in service for more than 10 years. The quality of services is guaranteed. Doctors are highly professional and the prices are worth it for the best services they offered. Highly recommended. Thank you.

    Post on
    Rosalie Abelanio
    11 أغس, 2021

    Based on my experiences the doctors and nurses are very attentive to my concerns. They will really make you feel that you are taken cared of, which is the most important thing a patient should feel. The best so far...

    Post on
    dontyouknowme baby
    03 أغس, 2021

    This well valued medical center helped me in my pregnancy. The Doctors are very professional yet very comforting. The nurses are so polite and caring. Over all experience was great and  highly recommended.

    Post on
    Lailanie Mamao
    10 أبر, 2024

    One of the best Doctor (Consultant Obstructs and Gynecology) I've ever met and she's very kind to his patients and it's good to give instructions on everything to his patients are going to do, for many people who have been trying to have a child Alhamdulillah it has paid off because of the doctor help. Thank you very much Doctor Sameha Fawas Algohmani. Allah bless you more.

    Post on
    16 أبر, 2024

    I’m coming to this center for laser with nurse Jackie, she is really professional and very caring nurse. She take care of my skin and I have really nice result of laser ❤️❤️❤️

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    Mutaz AL Darabseh
    08 يون, 2023

    Of course 5 🌟!

    One the best medical centers in Doha.  ...

    Post on
    Elias Khoury
    14 يون, 2023

    I have done my surgery recently and it was very good! Especially Dr. Muhannad Ahmad Al Diab for the good and best treatment. I thank his kindness as well and the whole team who looked after me! :) I highly recommend as they have the most modern and recent laser technology. One of the best medical centers here in Doha!

    Post on
    Merwin Lasrado
    24 يون, 2023

    Highly recommend Dr Ashvini , Dentist.
    She is very friendly and her nature is very calm and gentle towards her patients. She carried out the procedures on relaxed manner and made me and my daughter feel at ease all times. Keep it up!!

    Post on
    Shiny Sky
    30 يون, 2023

    I would like to share my experiences with the nurse Jackie. Jackie is an awesome nurse and she take will care of her customers. Actually one of the reasons I visited the clinic was due to great compliments from my friends and families. I also recommend her excellent and efforts to others ❤️.

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    تقنيات متقدمة في خدمتكم

    خيارات التأمين أصبحت بسيطة

    ما الجديد؟

    Stories of Healing and Hope


    My child has a rare condition, and the doctors here have been incredible. They never gave up on finding the right treatment, and now my little one is thriving.  Thank you for giving us hope

    David Ramirez


    I was so nervous about my surgery, but the nurses at the medical center were amazing! They explained everything clearly and made me feel calm and supported.  Now, I'm feeling great and back to doing the things I love!

    Sarah Thompson


    Walking into the medical center  was scary. My diagnosis wasn't good. But the doctors didn't give up. They explained everything clearly and worked with me every step of the way. Today, I'm feeling stronger every day. Thank you!

    Ariel Hopkins


    After my accident, I thought I might never walk again. But the physical therapy team at the medical center pushed me every step of the way.  Today, I walked my daughter down the aisle – a moment I never thought I'd have again.  Thank you!

    Emily Jones

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